2018年12月6日上午,波兰卢布林工业大学(Lublin University of Technology)Dariusz Mazurkiewicz教授应电子科技大学系统可靠性与安全性研究中心主任黄洪钟教授的邀请莅临我中心交流并做了题为“Reliability Challenges in Relation to the Industry 4.0 Requirements”的学术报告,中心师生积极参与此次学术交流活动。
报告结束后,中心老师和同学们就报告内容和论文写作等方面与Mazurkiewicz教授展开了积极地交流, Mazurkiewicz教授一一耐心解答,讨论氛围热烈。报告持续了一个多小时, Mazurkiewicz教授的学术报告使中心老师和同学们都收获颇多,受益匪浅。
Dariusz Mazurkiewicz教授简介:
Dariusz Mazurkiewicz is a professor of Lublin University of Technology, Poland. He is the head of the Metrology and Computerization in Production Engineering Chair at the Production Engineering Department, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Lublin University of Technology, Poland. He is also the editor-in-chief of the quarterly “Maintenance and Reliability”, which among others is indexed by Scopus and the Web of Science. He is a member of several international conferences’ scientific councils and other advisory boards. Prof. Dariusz Mazurkiewicz was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Instrumental Analysis, Kobe University (Japan) and at the Cambridge University (Cambridge University Engineering Department - Cambridge, England) under the scientific supervision of Prof. M. F. Ashby, Royal Society Research Professor.